International Memorial for Murdered Human Rights Defenders Launched in Dublin
25 November 2016 4:37 pm


Photo: Irish President Michael D Higgins with an international coalition of human rights defenders and NGO representatives in Dublin at the launch of the Human Rights Defenders Memorial. 24 November 2016. Photo: Conor McCabe / Front Line Defenders


The Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development (FORUM-ASIA) was glad to be at the inauguration of the first global memorial to human rights defenders murdered worldwide. The memorial was inaugurated by the President of Ireland, Michael D Higgins, on 24 November 2016 in Dublin.

FORUM-ASIA is among a coalition of 20 national and international human rights organisations who jointly coordinated the project, initiated by Front Line Defenders. Click here to see the project:

The project aims to become an international reference point in the struggle against impunity, cataloging the thousands of murders which have gone unpunished. It includes an online database featuring the profiles of courageous defenders killed for their work. It celebrates their achievements in the struggle for human rights and stands in solidarity with their friends, families and colleagues.