Wishing You All Happy Holidays and a Wonderful New Year!
23 December 2015 12:32 pm

As 2015 is coming to an end, FORUM-ASIA would like to wish everyone Happy Holidays, and a wonderful new year!! May this season bring peace, health and happiness to you and your loved ones.

2015 has been a turbulent year for human rights in Asia, with some highs and plenty lows. The highs included: the election of Mongolia for the UN Human Rights Council; the masses of people that took to the streets in Malaysia for Bersih; the reports of the OHCHR on Sri Lanka; and the General Assembly Resolution on human rights defenders. Among the lows were the disappearances and killings of too many of our colleagues, the passage of the restrictive NGO Law in Cambodia, the crackdown on people’s protests in South Korea, and the inhumane treatment of migrants and refugees across the region. We can only hope that next year will see plenty more highs, and fewer lows.

The year 2016 marks the 25th anniversary of FORUM-ASIA. It has been a long journey. This milestone forces us to reflect on our 25 years of struggle, while it also offers us the chance to look to the future of the human rights movement in the region.

We will start this very special year with an anniversary event on 8 January 2016 in Bangkok, Thailand. It will be followed by a campaign that will last throughout the year. We hope you will all join us in our celebrations and reflection, may that be in person, online or in spirit.

A new year means new challenges and opportunities. FORUM-ASIA commits itself to rise to the challenges, and continue to do all it can to make a difference. With our members and partners, we hope to contribute to the highs, and prevent new lows in 2016.