FORUM-ASIA hosts 7th Global Perspectives Conference, Bangkok, Thailand
4 November 2015 3:50 pm

On 4-6 November 2015, FORUM-ASIA hosts, together with the Voluntary Action Network India (VANI), the 7th Global Perspectives Conference in Bangkok, organised by the International Civil Society Centre with the theme Civil Society in the Post 2015 World.

The conference brings together a hundred civil society leaders from around the world to discuss common concerns, including, among others, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the role of civil society in their implementation and the shrinking civic space.

The conference offers a platform where civil society organisations (CSOs) can network and build alliances, exchange experiences and ideas to drive transformative changes and produce collective outcomes on specific topics.

A Pre-Meeting on Shrinking Civic Space was held on 3 November 2015, jointly hosted by CIVICUS, International Center for Not-for-Profit Law and the International Civil Society Center, bringing together key actors to discuss proposals for joint actions and other possible common strategies.

Click here ror more information on 2015 Global Perspectives