Briefing Paper on the Situation of Human Rights in Burma/Myanmar 25th Regular Session of the UN Human Rights Council
10 March 2014 3:38 pm





Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development (FORUM-­‐ASIA) Burma Partnership


Briefing Paper on the Situation of Human Rights in Burma/Myanmar 25th Regular Session of the UN Human Rights Council


1.1 Introduction


While acknowledging the positive developments that have occurred in some areas relating to human rights in Burma/Myanmar, in other areas, progress has been lacking, while in some others still, significant backsliding has taken place. The areas that have witnessed significant backsliding or lack of progress include:

  • the  continued   criminalisation   and   harassment   of   political   activists   and   human   rights defenders (HRDs);
  • the continued existence of repressive laws in the country;
  • the lack of progress in achieving sustained peace as well as the ongoing gross human rights violations in ethnic areas;
  • the escalation  of  communal  conflict  and  the  continued  failure  to  address  the  systemic discrimination against ethnic and religious minorities, especially the Rohingya; and
  • the rise in human rights violations as a result of development and business investmen

It is thus vital to maintain pressure on the government of Burma/Myanmar through a resolution on the situation of human rights in Myanmar under agenda item 4 of the UN Human Rights Council to highlight these concerns, and to ensure that it continues with its reforms and addresses these issues as a matter of extreme urgency. This call has also been made by 46 civil society groups in an open letter to the Member States of the HRC on 10 March 2014.1


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