26th Regular Session of the United Nations Human Rights Council
6 June 2014 5:27 pm

The UN Human Rights Council will hold its 26th regular session from 10 to 27 June 2014 in Geneva, Switzerland.

FORUM-ASIA interventions, statements and events during this session will appear on this page.


Oral Statements


 Open Letter

FORUM-ASIA Side Events

Freedoms of Expression, Assembly and Association in the Context of Elections: The Situation in Asia (12 June 2014, 17-18:30, Room IX)

Flyer FoEFoAA SideEvent (PNG(

The Role of International Human Rights Community in the Review of the TOR of AICHR: Towards an Effective and Independent ASEAN Human Rights Mechanism

Flyer AICHR ToR Side Event

 Other Side Events

Transparency and Social Participation in Foreign Policy (10 June 2014, 12-14:00, Room XXV) 

Pursuing Promises at the HRC (25 June 2014, 13- 15.00, Room XXIV)