New FORUM-ASIA Bulletin – “ASIA IN THE COUNCIL: Asian views and perspectives on the UN Human Rights Council” –
30 May 2014 11:05 pm

Dear Friends,

The Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development (FORUM-ASIA) is happy to announce the inaugural edition of its news bulletin “Asia in the Council“. This new publication  will look at Asia related developments at each session of the UN Human Rights Council. The publication intends to highlight Asian views and perspectives on the Council regarding issues that concern Asia and beyond. We hope that this news bulletin can provide the much needed visibility for activities by Asian civil society organisations and human rights defenders at the Council. We also hope that with this publication we are able to open new vistas for dialogue and debate on the Council from an Asian angle. 

At this nascent stage of the publication your suggestions and comments are very important for us in improving and strengthening our efforts. We look forward very much to your feedback. If you would like to write and contribute to the publication do get in touch with us. We welcome your comments, suggestions and contributions at: [email protected]

Advocacy at the UN is one of FORUM-ASIA’s core programmes. 


Evelyn Balais-Serrano

Executive Director

Click here to download the bulletin (PDF)