Five civil society representatives rejected to meet ASEAN leaders
22 October 2009 12:00 pm

apf_oct2009.jpgAt 11,30pm, Thurs, Thai foreign Ministry officials informed
organizers of APF that 5 out of 10 civil society representatives were
rejected from the interface meeting with ASEAN heads of government. The
remaining representatives were told to be ready for pick up at 7.A.M.,
nearly 5 hours before the scheduled meeting.

apf_oct2009.jpg(Source: APF media team)

At 11,30pm, Thurs, Thai foreign Ministry officials informed
organizers of APF that 5 out of 10 civil society representatives were
rejected from the interface meeting with ASEAN heads of government. The
remaining representatives were told to be ready for pick up at 7.A.M.,
nearly 5 hours before the scheduled meeting. (see below for list of

These representatives arrived at the Dusit Hotel and were
instructed that they would not be permitted to speak at the event. The
only person from civil society allowed to make a statement would be Dr
Surichai Wangaeo of Chulalongkorn University, who was originally
appointed as moderator of the Interface.

The representatives
were further shocked to learn that Singapore and Myanmar had selected
substitutes from government-sponsored agencies. Singapore selected a
substitute from a charity and the Myanmar regime selected Sitt Aye and
Win Myaing, of the Anti-Narcotics Association (Win Myaing is a former
high-ranking police officer).

These developments rendered the
interface, an important space for civil society to engage with
government officials, utterly meaningless. Therefore, the
representatives of Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia decided to walk out
of the meeting.

We feel strongly that the rejection of our
democratically-selected representatives is a rejection of both civil
society and the democratic process. Our delegates were selected during
the 3-day APF/ACSC, Oct 18-20. Through this action, the governments
concerned are fundamentally undermining the spirit and content of the
ASEAN Charter that they ratified a year ago.

The behaviour
of the governments of Cambodia, Laos, Singapore, Philippines and Burma
in rejecting their civil society representatives sabotages the
credibility of the ASEAN Inter-governmental Commission on Human Rights
(AICHR) which is being inaugurated today.

Civil society has
been committed to the objectives of a people-centred ASEAN as enshrined
in the Charter. We have remained determined in our commitment to the
essential dialogue process despite the insults and obstacles generated
by some officials. We were flexible when 2 out of 10 representatives
were rejected in February. Civil society engaged with governments for
the past few months in order to improve the relationship, however it is
clear that the commitment to engagement has been one-sided, now that 5
out of 10 have been rejected, and the rest were essentially gagged.

We are deeply disappointed at the irresponsibility and apparent
irrationality of the governments' position. At this time of crisis, we
were absolutely committed to an opportunity to present civil society's
solutions. The tactics of the governments concerned prove they are not
open to discussing solutions to the urgent problems confronting ASEAN –
both governments and peoples.

Finally we plead with these
leaders to stop trying to kill the spirit of an ASEAN community. Such
moves not only hurt the development of the region but also the
credibility of individual member states and ASEAN as a whole.

Ms. Khin Ohmar, Burma/Myanmar
Mr. Nay Vanda, Cambodia
Mrs. Manichanh Philaphanh, Lao PDR
Sister Crescencia L. Lucero, Phillipines
Mr. Sinapan Samydorai, Singapore.
* Ms. Yuyun Wahyuningrum, Indonesia
* Mr. Moon Hui Tah, Malaysia
* Ms. Sawart Pramoonsilp, Thailand
Ms. Tran Thi Thu Thuy, Vietnam
Dato Paduka Zainal Momin, Brunei
* walked out