MALAYSIA – Identity cards for refugees: A step in the right direction
16 February 2010 12:00 pm

This press release was issued by SUARAM, FORUM-ASIA's member in
Malaysia, who viewed the Government's plan to issue identification cards
to refugees as a positive development.

This press release was issued by SUARAM, FORUM-ASIA's member in
Malaysia, who viewed the Government's plan to issue identification cards
to refugees as a positive development.

FORUM-ASIA member SUARAM, 3 February 2010)

SUARAM welcomes
the announcement by the Home Ministry secretary-general Datuk Seri Mahmood
Adam on the Government's plan to issue identification cards to refugees
recognised by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).
We view this as a positive development towards the recognition of the
right to seek asylum as enshrined in Article 14 of the Universal Declaration
of Human Rights (UDHR).  

However, SUARAM notes with disappointment that Mahmood Adam stated that
the refugees "cannot work here, but they can do odd jobs".
Government must also allow refugees access to full-time work and earn
a living while they remain in the country. The more than 75,000 refugees
and asylum seekers currently registered with UNHCR is an existing source
of labour. Instead of importing more migrant workers, the Government
should first exhaust existing sources of labour in the country.  

With regards to the planned crackdown on undocumented migrants scheduled
to be carried out on 15 February, the Government must take precautions
to prevent arrests of refugees and asylum seekers carrying UNHCR documents.
In addition, the Government must make concerted efforts to identify
the root causes for the large population of undocumented migrants in
Malaysia which include labour trafficking and poorly formed policies
that causes migrant workers to become undocumented. Crackdowns are in
reality a flash in the pan, big efforts that fail solve a problem. What
is needed in Malaysia is reform of immigration policies. 

Malaysia has long been criticised for its poor treatment towards refugees
and asylum seekers. On a daily basis, refugees and asylum seekers are
arrested, sentenced for immigration offences, whipped and detained indefinitely.
SUARAM hopes that with this current effort to issue identification cards
for refugees, the Government is changing its treatment towards refugees
and asylum seekers and that more changes towards respecting the rights
of refugees will be made.  

Lastly, SUARAM calls upon the Government to ratify the 1951 Convention
Relating to the Status of Refugees.