Once again, the military and the Indonesian government neglect victims’ rights
13 April 2008 4:13 am

Civil society considers the Indonesian Minister of Defence's recent call to all former military officers not to fulfil a summons issued by the National Human Rights Institutions as an act to perpetuate impunity for those responsible for human rights violations against citizens. They said that the action also neglects the victims’ right to pursue justice, truth and compensation for past human rights abuses.

Indonesian Minister of Defence Juwono Sudarsono, former Military General Wiranto and the Military Law Department have signed an agreement to persuade all former military officers not to fulfil a National Human Rights Commmission’s summons. According to the Commission for Disappearances and Victims of Violence (KontraS), a FORUM-ASIA member, this agreement indicates that the military and the Indonesian government are persisting with impunity.

Please go to the KontraS website to view the full report.