Human rights defenders give commitment at 2nd Asian Regional Human Rights Defenders’ Forum
13 December 2006 12:00 am

{mosimage}More than a hundred human rights defenders committed themselves to the full implementation of the UN Declaration on the Human Rights Defenders at the end of the 2nd Asian Regional Human Rights Defenders Forum, held in Bangkok, Thailand, from 28-29 November 2006. They expressed commitments to strengthen mutual cooperation and support amongst each other, as well as to constructively engage with governments, the United Nations (UN) and national human rights institutions. Also present was the UN’s Special Representative of the Secretary General on Human Rights Defenders, Ms Hina Jilani.

More than a hundred human rights defenders committed themselves to the full implementation of the UN Declaration on the Human Rights Defenders at the end of the 2nd Asian Regional Human Rights Defenders Forum, held in Bangkok, Thailand, from 28-29 November 2006. They expressed commitments to strengthen mutual cooperation and support amongst each other, as well as to constructively engage with governments, the United Nations (UN) and national human rights institutions.

For two days, human rights defenders from Asia along with those from other continents, and representatives of regional and international NGOs engaged in dialogue with the UN’s Special Representative of the Secretary General on Human Rights Defenders, Ms Hina Jilani. Also present in this dialogue were representatives of Asian and other governments and national human rights institutions, as well as UN staff from Geneva and the region. They shared in this engagement about the challenges facing human rights defenders in the region and the role of various actors in promoting and protecting the rights of defenders.

After a multilateral dialogue in plenary as well as in breakout sessions, defenders urged national human rights institutions and the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights – in particular, national field offices and sub-regional focal points – to strengthen the role of protecting human rights defenders. Defenders recognised recommendations made by the UN Special Representative on Human Rights Defenders and called on governments to implement these recommendations, and to cooperate with the Special Representative.

The forum paid tribute to human rights defenders who had laid down their lives for the cause of human rights, as well as defenders who have been, and continue to be, subjected to threats, harassment and attacks due to their human rights work. In the discussions, participants shared about the continued reprisals they face at the hand of both state and non-state actors, such as arbitrary executions, arbitrary detention, torture, disappearances, and restrictions on freedoms of expression, association and assembly. Several participants and presenters highlighted the specific vulnerabilities and risks faced by defenders living in exile, in addition to women, lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender defenders.

A highlight of the two-day event was the celebration of the 1st International Women Human Rights Day, where participants listened to testimonies of women from various Asian countries, as well as watched video clips and listened to songs of the resistance of women. The need for special attention and protection mechanisms for women defenders was highlighted in the event.
The event also served as an opportunity to pay tribute to Ms Hina Jilani, the UN’s first Special Representative on Human Rights Defenders, for her services to the cause of defenders, as she prepares to complete her term next year. The participants recognised the mandate as a key protection tool for their rights and called on governments to strengthen the mandate.

The event was organised by FORUM-ASIA in close cooperation with the Asia Pacific Forum on Women, Law and Development. It was held at the United Nations Conference Centre in Bangkok.

The participants have released a declaration articulating their concerns and issues arising from the Forum. Please read the Bangkok Commitment here. (in pdf, 30kb, 5 pp.)