Burma Partnership launches new website
3 March 2010 7:53 am

Partnership has launched its new website on 18 February 2010. The new
address is: www.burmapartnership.org .
Partnership has launched its new website on 18 February 2010. The new
address is: www.burmapartnership.org .

"We hope this will
be a useful tool for governments, journalists, researchers, and
especially activists from Burma and all over the world," the
organisation issued a press release on the day. "Through this website,
we aim to show the diversity and synergy of all groups working towards
genuine development and democracy in Burma".

Noting that last
year's "Free Burma's Political Prisoners Now!" campaign brought together
hundreds of organisations all over the world, the organisation added,
"we are confident and prepared to face these challenges drawing strength
from our commitment, our diversity, and the power of our collective