
HRC41: Joint Oral Statement on the adoption of the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) report of Vietnam
8 July 2019 11:15 am

41st Regular Session of the UN Human Rights Council Oral Statement Adoption of the UPR report of Viet Nam 4 July 2019 Delivered by Lisa Majumdar Thank you, Mr President. Mr President, VOICE, CIVICUS and FORUM-ASIA welcome the government of Vietnam’s engagement with the UPR process including its decision to accept 241 recommendations on a [ Read more ]

Vietnam: Stop any Ongoing Criminal Proceedings and Ban against Huynh Thuc Vy
14 August 2018 12:36 pm

(Bangkok, 14 August 2018) – We, the undersigned civil society organisations, condemn the unlawful house arrest and investigation of Huynh Thuc Vy, a prominent Vietnamese blogger and founder of Vietnamese Women for Human Rights (VNWHR). She was taken into custody on 9 August, based on allegations of having violated Article 276 of the 1999 Criminal [ Read more ]

HRC32 Oral Statement – Thematic Report by the High Commissioner, General Debate
22 June 2016 11:14 am

32nd Regular Session of the UN Human Rights Council Item 2: Thematic reports by the High Commissioner – General Debate Oral Statement Delivered by Rosanna Ocampo On behalf of the Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development (FORUM-ASIA) Tuesday, 21 June 2016 Mr. President, FORUM-ASIA welcomes the High Commissioner’s practical recommendations for the creation and [ Read more ]

Joint Statement Calling for the Release of Nguyen Van Dai and Le Thu Ha
7 January 2016 10:32 am

On 16 December 2015, prominent human rights lawyer, Mr. Nguyen Van Dai, 46, and his colleague, Ms. Le Thu Ha, 33, were arrested at their home and office in Hanoi, Vietnam, respectively. Both have been charged with “conducting propaganda against the Socialist Republic of Vietnam” under Article 88 of the Vietnamese Penal Code, a law [ Read more ]

Panel Discussion on the safety of journalists (Human Rights Council decision 24/116)
11 June 2014 11:32 am

Oral statement delivered by Ms. Gayathry Venkiteswaranon behalf of Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development (FORUM-ASIA)   Wednesday, 11 June 2014 Mr. President, FORUM-ASIA makes this statement in solidarity with the Southeast Asian Press Alliance (SEAPA). We welcome this initiative at the international level to discuss the important issue of the safety of journalists and hope [ Read more ]

Vietnam: Joint NGO Letter to the UN ECOSOC regarding the Consultative Status of the Khmers Kampuchea-Krom Federation (KKF)
23 July 2012 9:56 am

July 18, 2012 To: Member states of ECOSOC Re: Support for the Khmers Kampuchea-Krom Federation Your Excellency, We, the undersigned group of civil society organizations from around the world, are writing to express our strong support for the special consultative status with the United Nations granted to the nongovernmental organization (NGO) Khmers Kampuchea-Krom Federation (KKF) [ Read more ]

AICHR to hold its second meeting in Danang, Vietnam, 28 June – 2 July
15 June 2010 2:13 am

The ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights (AIHCR) will hold its second official meeting in Danang, Vietnam from 28 June to 2 July 2010. The meeting will be chaired by the representative of Vietnam, Mr. Do Ngoc Son. It is expected that the rest of nine members of the commission will be attending as well. [ Read more ]

VIETNAM – Three Christians arrested for gathering to worship
2 June 2010 12:32 am

Three Degar Montagnard Christians have been arrested for gathering for worship in April 2010. Below is the report by the Montagnard Foundation, issued on 21 May 2010. The information below was received from the Vietnam’s Central Highlands concerning ongoing religious repression of independent House Church Christians. On April 8, 2010 a group of six Vietnamese [ Read more ]

VIETNAM – 164 International Human Rights Leagues condemn crackdown on human rights defenders
16 April 2010 12:18 am

  164 International Human Rights Leagues gathered in Yerevan, Armenia, and condemned the crack-down on human rights defenders in Vietnam. Below is their statement issued on 10 April: Members of 164 leagues from Africa, Asia, the Americas and Europe, meeting in Yerevan, Armenia , from 6 to 10 April 2010 for the 37th Congress of [ Read more ]