
Timor-Leste: Human Rights Crucial in the Upcoming Parliamentary Elections
5 June 2017 2:57 pm

(Dili, 5 June 2017) – The Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development (FORUM-ASIA) together with its members in Timor-Leste, the Association for Law, Human Rights and Justice – Hukum, Hak Asasi dan Keadilan (HAK) and the Judicial System Monitoring Program (JSMP), jointly call on all political parties that will participate in the upcoming parliamentary [ Read more ]

From our Member JSMP, Timor Leste – The Appointment of the President of the Court of Appeal is necessary and valid pursuant to Article 110 of Law 11/2004 Amending the Statute of Judicial Magistrates
5 May 2017 3:27 pm

5 May 2017: JSMP considers the decision of the President, Taur Matan Ruak, to appoint Deolindo dos Santos as the President of the Court of Appeal to be necessary and valid pursuant to the law. The appointment and swearing-in of the new President of the Court of Appeal on 28 April 2017 occurred in response to [ Read more ]

HRC34 Oral Statement on the Universal Periodic Review of Timor-Leste
17 March 2017 11:06 am

34th Regular Session of the UN Human Rights Council Item 6: Universal Periodic Review of Timor-Leste Oral Statement Delivered by Rosanna Ocampo On behalf of Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development (FORUM-ASIA) Thursday, 16 March 2017 Mr President, FORUM-ASIA makes this statement in solidarity with the Judicial System Monitoring Programme (JSMP). We appreciate that [ Read more ]

Learning from Transitional Justice Initiatives in South East Asia
3 August 2016 5:22 pm

The Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development (FORUM-ASIA) along with The Commission for the Disappeared and Victims of Violence (KontraS) – Indonesia, Hak Association – Timor-Leste, Asia Justice and Rights (AJAR) – Timor-Leste, Asosiasaun Chega ba Ita (ACbIT) – Timor-Leste, Burma Partnership, Task Force Detainees of Philippines (TFDP) – Philippines and Solidarity for ASEAN [ Read more ]

Timor-Leste: Stop Intimidation and Harassment of Human Rights Activists for Exercising their Rights
10 February 2016 6:30 pm

Dear Prime Minister H.E. Dr. Rui Maria de Araújo, We, the Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development (FORUM-ASIA), together with our 58 member organisations from 19 countries across Asia, condemn and express our grave concern over the intimidation and harassment of one of our members in Timor-Leste, HAK (Hukum, hak Asasi dan Keadilan) Association. [ Read more ]

Timor Leste Civil Society Workshop on ASEAN and its Human Rights Mechanism
29 October 2015 1:53 pm

On 26-27 October 2015 FORUM-ASIA and the South East Asian Committee for Advocacy (SEACA), as the convenors of SAPA Working Group on ASEAN, in collaboration with the Forum ONG Timor Leste (FONGTIL), the HAK Foundation and the Judicial System Monitoring Programme (JSMP) organised a national workshop to help increase the understanding among civil society organisations [ Read more ]