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NGOs Appeal to UN Human Rights Chief over Tibetan Self-Immolation Protests
3 November 2011 11:03 am

Your Excellency, We, the undersigned non-governmental organisations (NGOs) from various parts of the world, seek your immediate intervention with the Chinese authorities in view of the alarming and very disturbing news that has emerged from Tibet about the tragic self-immolation protests by nine Tibetans in Tawo and Ngapa, notably monks and one nun, which resulted in several of them dying. We [ Read more ]

CHINA – Hundreds protest “unfair rulings” outside of Supreme People’s Court
2 June 2010 1:14 am

On the morning of May 21, an estimated 500 residents from across Beijing gathered outside of the Supreme People’s Court to protest against what they believed to be unjust rulings by district courts in the city. The protestors called for better oversight of the lower courts and the protection of citizens’ rights by the judicial [ Read more ]