Philippine Alliance of Human Rights Advocates (PAHRA)
14 December 2016 11:07 am

The Philippines

Email: [email protected]


Tel: +63-2436-26-33; Mobile: +63- 917 308 2409 Fax: +63-2433 1714


Facebook, Twitter, Skype: pahra1986

Since its founding in 1986, the Philippine Alliance of Human Rights Advocates (PAHRA) serves as an advocacy centre and has been committed to work for the respect and promotion, protection and fulfilment of human rights. PAHRA is committed to work for the recognition and realisation of all human rights embodied in international instruments, such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Covenant on Social, Economic and Cultural Rights, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the Declaration on the Right to Development, and the Universal Declaration on the Rights of the Peoples. PAHRA supports the implementation by the International Committee of the Red Cross of International Humanitarian Law embodied in Geneva Conventions and their additional Protocols.

In its quest for national sovereignty and respect for human rights, PAHRA shall promote and defend human rights in all their dimensions of civil, political, social, economic and cultural, including developmental and environmental concerns, and equally address the rights of women, children, indigenous peoples and the Moro people in international human rights instruments. PAHRA has been steadfast and consistent in principle and practice for the universality, non-discriminatory and non-selectivity of human rights.

Areas of work:

Comprehensive human rights issues, civil and political rights and economic, social and cultural rights, including business and human rights, security sector reform, climate justice, human rights based approach (HRBA) and human rights defenders (HRDs) protection.

Main lines of work:

• Advocacy centre for sectoral and thematic human rights advocacy concerns of members,
• Documentation and monitoring of rights and violations,
• Medical and psycho-social relief and rehabilitation,
• Capability building (training, mentoring),
• Public advocacy,
• Policy advocacy, and
• Engagements with National Human Rights Institution (NHRI) – executive, legislative and judiciary.

Current projects:

Building blocks to human rights localities with the Lady Mayors Association; and the Pampanga monitoring mechanism on extra-judicial killings, enforced disappearance, torture and other human rights violations.


Unit 4/E Tempus Condominium 2, Matalino St., Diliman, Quezon city, Philippines