People’s Empowerment Foundation (PEF)
14 December 2016 10:51 am


Email: [email protected]

Tel: +66-29466104


People’s Empowerment Foundation (PEF) is a Thai Foundation which was registered on 1 July 2008 under the Thai Foundation Law. PEF is a non-profit organisation which focuses on creating sustainable mechanisms for individual actors, community organisations, grass- roots coalitions and popular movements to work together to achieve social change. It promotes a wide range of human rights and human security issues throughout Thailand and Southeast Asia through civil society networks with community-based partner organisations. Within these networks knowledge, strategies and resources are shared aiming at positive social change. One of PEF’s main activity is strengthening the organisational capacity of the network/ partners by providing them with information, skills and knowledge training, capacity building tools, logistical coordination, and other assistance adapted to each group’s particular needs.

PEF has three local networks; (1) ASEAN People network, (2) Patani people’s Peace Building network and (3) United Nations (UN) human rights mechanism network. Through these local networks PEF strengthens community- based organisations to promote and protect human rights and the right to development through collaboration
and cooperation. PEF also works with government organisations to improve the policy making and implementation for the benefit of the people.


• Empowerment of the people in the peace process in Patani (Deep South of Thailand): as an outsider of the Patani community, PEF promotes capacity building of community members by organising knowledge exchange between Patani community leaders and Aceh and Mindanao communities. This option of exchange is offered to the local officers as well. In this way PEF educates and builds up trust with local authorities to create understanding for the peacebuilding process. PEF respects the decision of the Patani people and the solution will be created by themselves. PEF promotes the participation of Patani people in the peace talks.

• ANNI report: With this project PEF monitors the performance of the National Human Rights Commission of Thailand (NHRCT) and submits a chapter to the annual report of the Asian NGO Network on National Human Rights Institutions (ANNI). PEF also assures that this report is distributed in Thailand, including to the NHRCT.
• Promotion of the UN human rights mechanism in Thailand: PEF believes in the principle of human rights and works on promoting the implementation of international human rights standards in Thailand. In this context PEF submitted the stakeholder UPR-report on the
1st cycle and the 2nd cycle. PEF also submitted the ESCR shadow report on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ESCRs) and the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD) shadow report to the treaty bodies. PEF organises trainings on UN human rights mechanisms at the community level and created the People’s UN curriculum for local
• Mobilisation of ASEAN people: PEF organises meetings and trainings on ASEAN for local networks. PEF encourages local Thai organisations to engage with ASEAN bodies and ASEAN human rights mechanisms at national level to ensure ASEAN People’s Centre.
• PEF used to work on democracy, but ended its democracy project after the coup on 22 May 2014.
• PEF recently started a new project ‘C2C- community to community‘ to promote community economic and human rights.

Contact Person:

Chalida Tajaroensuk (Exectuive Director): [email protected]


1/546 Nuan Chan Road, Klongkum, Bungkum, Bangkok, Postal Code: 10230;