Maldivian Democracy Network (MDN)
21 December 2016 5:05 pm

The Maldives

Email: [email protected]


Tel: N/A


The Maldivian Democracy Network (MDN) is a non-partisan NGO which aims to promote human rights and the values and principles of democracy in the Maldives. MDN undertakes a wide range of activities under our broad mandate, including awareness raising, monitoring, reporting, lobbying and advocacy. Although based in the capital Male’, MDN is active across the country conducting workshops, trainings, monitoring and advocacy activities in various atolls.

MDN plays a critical role to support the transition to democracy in the Maldives. MDN works to support the establishment of a democratic system of governance which upholds human rights, that aligns with the Constitution of the Maldives and the UN Core Conventions on human rights to which the State of Maldives is signatory. MDN is a civil society organisation which campaigns for the rights of citizens and non-citizens residing in the Maldives. Over the years, MDN has earned a place within the civil society sector as a strong voice that works effectively to uphold its mandate. Therefore, the organisation is ideally positioned to play a key role to promote democratic values and standards, and human rights in the fragile state of democratic transition in which the Maldives finds itself.
